
Chapter 5


Dropping Everything and Still Ballin'

Krishna is dropping some serious knowledge in Chapter 5, comparing two low-key similar paths to enlightenment: completely ditching the hustle ('Karma Sanyas') or still grinding but not being attached to the outcome ('Karma Yoga'). It's like, you can choose your own adventure. The key is to slay your responsibilities without getting caught up in the clout, dedicating your wins to the divine. No cap, this keeps you from tripping on any bad vibes and gets you to that ultimate liberation.

Verse 1

Arjuna said, "Yo Krishna, you're all about ditching actions and also about yoga. Which one's actually better? Hit me with the facts."

Verse 2

The Blessed Lord said, "Yo, renunciation and the action yoga both lead to, like, the ultimate chill. But action yoga is def superior to just ditching everything."

Verse 3

Yo, a true Sannyasi is someone who doesn't hate or desire anything. Arjuna, my dude, they're totally free of opposites, so escaping the drama is, like, super easy for them.

Verse 4

Only clueless kids, not wise peeps, think knowledge and the action thing are totally different. But if you're really into one, you get the rewards of both.

Verse 5

That place the Sankhyas and Jnanis reach? The Yogis get there too. Anyone who sees knowledge and action as one thing? They're seeing it right.

Verse 6

But, yo, Arjuna, strong arms and all, ditching everything is, like, impossible without yoga. A total yoga guru, though? They're, like, *instantly* one with Brahman.

Verse 7

If you're all about that action, your mind is pure, you've conquered yourself, you've got your senses on lock, and you realize you're one with everyone, then even if you're doing stuff, you won't get tainted.

Verse 8

It's like, 'I'm not doing anything at all,' that's what the person who's totally in tune with the truth would be thinking, while they're seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, walking, sleeping, and breathing.

Verse 9

Yo, like, talking, letting stuff go, grabbing things, opening and closing your eyes – you gotta realize your senses are totally vibing with all the stuff around you.

Verse 10

If you're doing stuff, but you're offering it all to Brahman and you're not attached to the outcome, then you're good. No guilt trip. It's like, a lotus leaf—water rolls right off.

Verse 11

Yo, yogis who've ditched attachment? They're all about using their body, mind, intellect, and senses to, like, purify their souls. No cap.

Verse 12

The person who's all chill and doesn't care about the payout gets eternal peace. But the person who's all about the reward? They're totally stuck.

Verse 13

Yo, mentally ditch all the actions, get your self-control on point, and chill in your nine-gated city. Don't do anything, and don't make anyone else do anything either.

Verse 14

The Lord ain't creating no agency, no actions, and no reward connections for the world; nah, it's nature's doing.

Verse 15

The Lord ain't taking no credit or blame for your actions, no cap. Knowledge is low-key hidden by ignorance, and that's why everyone's so confused.

Verse 16

But for those who've totally slayed their ignorance with self-knowledge, it's like, *sunlight*—knowledge reveals the Supreme Brahman.

Verse 17

Their minds are all about That, their whole self *is* That, they're totally locked into That, That's their ultimate goal, and they're gone—no coming back. Their sins? Knowledge wiped them clean.

Verse 18

Enlightened peeps see a Brahmin who's all book smart and humble, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and even an outcast—all the same. No biggie.

Verse 19

Even in this world, those who are all about that real, real, *real* are totally beyond the birth thing. Brahman is, like, the ultimate pure and real. So, they're straight-up established in Brahman.

Verse 20

Yo, chillin' in Brahman, with a mind that's totally steady and not even phased, the Brahman knower doesn't even care about getting good stuff or bad stuff. It's whatever.

Verse 21

Yo, if you're chill with not being attached to external stuff, you'll find happiness within yourself. If you're all about that Brahman meditation, you'll achieve endless happiness.

Verse 22

Yo, Arjuna, that fleeting pleasure from sensory stuff? Total cap. It's all temporary, a total vibe kill. Wise peeps don't even trip about that stuff.

Verse 23

Yo, if you can, like, totally resist the urge to rage or thirst while you're still alive, then you're a legit Yogi, and you're gonna be straight-up happy.

Verse 24

Yo, the person who's totally happy and lit from within, that's the Yogi who achieves ultimate freedom, becoming one with Brahman.

Verse 25

Rishis get total freedom, no cap. Their sins are gone, their duality is, like, totally shattered, they're self-controlled AF, and they're all about helping everyone out.

Verse 26

Total chill mode unlocked for those self-controlled ascetics who've ditched desire and anger, mastered their minds, and are totally self-aware. It's lit on all sides.

Verse 27

No cap, block out all the external vibes, and focus your gaze between your eyebrows. Feel that breath, in and out, movin' through your nostrils. It's all about that breath control.

Verse 28

Okay, so like, you gotta keep your senses, mind, and intellect on lockdown, with liberation as your ultimate goal. No cap, ditch the desire, fear, and anger, and you're a legit liberated sage, for real, forever.

Verse 29

If you know me as the ultimate baller of all sacrifices and austerities, the big boss of every world, and the realest friend of all beings, you're gonna be straight chill.