
Verse 5.13

सर्वकर्माणि मनसा संन्यस्यास्ते सुखं वशी। नवद्वारे पुरे देही नैव कुर्वन्न कारयन्।।5.13।।

sarva-karmāṇi manasā sannyasyāste sukhaṁ vaśhī nava-dvāre pure dehī naiva kurvan na kārayan


Yo, mentally ditch all the actions, get your self-control on point, and chill in your nine-gated city. Don't do anything, and don't make anyone else do anything either.


Okay, so like, all actions are kinda divided into five categories. First, there are the obligatory things, the stuff you *have* to do, no matter what. Then there are the ones you do for special occasions, like a birth or an eclipse. Third, there are the optional ones, the ones you do to get something you want. Fourth, there are the things you absolutely cannot do, like stealing or getting wasted. And finally, there are the actions you do to fix things you messed up. So, the person who's got their senses under control, they're not tripping about all this. They see that there's no real action, it's all chill. They're vibing in their body, which is like, this nine-gated city, totally at peace, no stress, no anxiety, just pure bliss. The Self is the king, and the senses, mind, subconscious, and intellect are the peeps. A regular dude is like, 'I'm chilling in my chair,' but a woke dude is like, 'I'm vibing in this body,' because they get that the Self is separate from the body.