
Verse 4.19

यस्य सर्वे समारम्भाः कामसङ्कल्पवर्जिताः। ज्ञानाग्निदग्धकर्माणं तमाहुः पण्डितं बुधाः।।4.19।।

yasya sarve samārambhāḥ kāma-saṅkalpa-varjitāḥ jñānāgni-dagdha-karmāṇaṁ tam āhuḥ paṇḍitaṁ budhāḥ


No cap, if you're doing stuff without any personal agenda, and your actions are totally lit by knowledge, then you're a straight-up sage. It's what the wise say.


A real G doesn't do stuff for clout or personal gain. Their actions are, like, totally fire-proofed by knowledge. They're the OG sages, the ones who show everyone else how it's done. Even when they're working, it's all chill, no selfish vibes. Their wisdom is next level; they're all about that inaction-in-action thing. It's all about self-knowledge, that BrahmaJnana fire that burns away all the karma, good or bad. They're free from the whole action-reaction cycle. These sages are low-key; they only do what's absolutely necessary to stay alive.