
Verse 2.25

अव्यक्तोऽयमचिन्त्योऽयमविकार्योऽयमुच्यते। तस्मादेवं विदित्वैनं नानुशोचितुमर्हसि।।2.25।।

avyakto ’yam achintyo ’yam avikāryo ’yam uchyate tasmādevaṁ viditvainaṁ nānuśhochitum arhasi


This Self? It's like, totally unmanifested, unthinkable, and unchanging. So, knowing that, don't be a crybaby.


Yo, the Self is, like, totally unmanifested, meaning you can't even see it with your eyes. It's not something you can even think about, so it's unthinkable. And it's not gonna change, ever, so it's unchangeable. So, get this, knowing all that, you shouldn't be all emo and grieving.