Verse 2.16
नासतो विद्यते भावो नाभावो विद्यते सतः। उभयोरपि दृष्टोऽन्तस्त्वनयोस्तत्त्वदर्शिभिः।।2.16।।
nāsato vidyate bhāvo nābhāvo vidyate sataḥ ubhayorapi dṛiṣhṭo ’nta stvanayos tattva-darśhibhiḥ
Fake stuff ain't real, period. Real stuff is always real. Truth-seekers already know this.
Yo, the unchanging, like, totally real Self? It's the only thing that's, like, *actually* real. This whole world, with all its names and stuff? Total mirage. It's always changing, you know? So, a Jivanmukta, a total guru, knows the Self is always real, and this world is fake news. They see it with their mind's eye, like, *totally* get it. This world's a total illusion, like a rope that looks like a snake. Once you see it's just a rope, the snake's gone. They see past all the names and stuff, to the real deal, the Satchidananda, the Existence-Knowledge-Bliss. That's why they're Tattvadarshis, the truth-knowers. It's all about what's constant, what's real, what's not changing. That's the tea.