Verse 17.14
देवद्विजगुरुप्राज्ञपूजनं शौचमार्जवम्।ब्रह्मचर्यमहिंसा च शारीरं तप उच्यते।।17.14।।
deva-dwija-guru-prājña- pūjanaṁ śhaucham ārjavam brahmacharyam ahinsā cha śhārīraṁ tapa uchyate
Showing love to the gods, the OG twice-born, teachers, and wise peeps; staying clean, being real, celibacy, and zero violence—that's body-based self-discipline.
Okay, so like, "tapas," or self-discipline? It's all about using your body to, like, *actually* serve. Think pilgrimages, cleaning temples, doing all the worship stuff, showing mad respect to Brahmins and wise peeps, and, like, total chill with the whole celibacy and non-violence thing. It's also about helping your fam, teachers, the poor, and sick peeps. No stealing or being greedy either. A "wise person"? Anyone can be one, even if they're not, like, super high up in the caste system. Brahmacharya? It's not about, like, *suppressing* your desires, it's about, like, *redirecting* your energy. Fill your mind with good vibes—meditation, mantras, prayer, studying scriptures—and your desires will, like, *low-key* disappear. If you try to, like, *force* it, you'll just end up stressed. Controlling your mind is key, then your senses will follow. It's not about which comes first, mind or senses, it's about doing what works for *you*. Just, like, *vibe* with it and find your peace.