Verse 15.7
ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूतः सनातनः।मनःषष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति।।15.7।।
mamaivānśho jīva-loke jīva-bhūtaḥ sanātanaḥ manaḥ-ṣhaṣhṭhānīndriyāṇi prakṛiti-sthāni karṣhati
Yo, this eternal part of the Lord, like, *becomes* a soul in this life, and it's all about grabbing the five senses, with the mind as the sixth, and vibing in nature.
Okay, so the Lord is explaining how we, like, *become* individual souls. It's all about this eternal part of the Lord, this total vibe, entering the world of life. It's like, it grabs the five senses, and the mind is the sixth sense, and it's all chillin' in nature. It's not like the sun reflecting in water, it's not tainted or anything. It's like, a crystal next to a red flower, it looks red, but it's not *actually* red. The Lord isn't affected by what we do. Ignorance is the thing that limits us, making us think we're the ones doing stuff and enjoying stuff. But really, we're one with the Lord. When we ditch the ignorance, we realize we're the same as the Lord. It's like, the ether in a pot is the same as all the ether when you smash the pot. Same with us and the Lord. Once the ignorance is gone, we're one with the Lord, no going back. We're like a reflection, a part of the Lord, but not really a *part*. The Lord is, like, indivisible. The senses are in nature, in their spots. It's like a monk in the Himalayas dreaming he's married and working a 9-to-5. We forget our true nature, thinking this body is the real deal, thinking *we're* the ones doing stuff and enjoying stuff. But really, we're one with the Lord. The difference is all in our heads, like thinking the ether in a pot is different from all the ether. When we let go of that, we're one with the Lord. In deep sleep, our minds are chillin', and when we wake up, it's back. If we get rid of the ignorance, the mind goes too. It's like a turtle putting its head and feet back in its shell, then stretching them out again. A part of the Lord enters nature, grabs the senses and the mind. It's all about the astral body forming. The scriptures say the Lord created the body and entered it. It's all about these nineteen principles, the senses, the mind, and all that. 'Amsa' doesn't mean a piece that's been cut off, it's like the ether in a pot, it's still all the ether.