Verse 14.20
गुणानेतानतीत्य त्रीन्देही देहसमुद्भवान्।जन्ममृत्युजरादुःखैर्विमुक्तोऽमृतमश्नुते।।14.20।।
guṇān etān atītya trīn dehī deha-samudbhavān janma-mṛityu-jarā-duḥkhair vimukto ’mṛitam aśhnute
Yo, when someone escapes those three modes that make up your whole existence, they're totally free from birth, death, aging, and all that drama. It's immortality, straight up.
No cap, just like a river merges with the ocean, anyone who, while still kickin', transcends those three modes—the source code of all bodies—becomes one with the Divine. It's eternal bliss, total liberation, straight-up merging with the ultimate. When the OG said that peeps who escape those three modes achieve immortality, Arjuna was all, 'Spill the tea! I gotta know more!' Just like he grilled Krishna about the chill sage in chapter II, verse 54, now he's curious about the lowdown on someone who's transcended those modes. What's their vibe? How do they roll? How'd they even escape those modes?