
Verse 13.15

सर्वेन्द्रियगुणाभासं सर्वेन्द्रियविवर्जितम्।असक्तं सर्वभृच्चैव निर्गुणं गुणभोक्तृ च।।13.15।।

sarvendriya-guṇābhāsaṁ sarvendriya-vivarjitam asaktaṁ sarva-bhṛich chaiva nirguṇaṁ guṇa-bhoktṛi cha


Brahman's shining bright, using all the senses, but not attached to any of them. It's unattached, yet holding everything down. It's got no qualities, but it's still feeling all the vibes.


Brahman's like, totally vibing with all the senses, but not attached to any of them, you know? It's chillin', supporting everything, but has zero qualities itself. Yet, it's still the one experiencing all the qualities. It's like, the ultimate multitasker. It's the unseen seer, the unheard hearer, the unthought thinker. No cap, it's the real MVP. It's beyond all the qualities of nature, but still gets to enjoy them all. It's the OG, the ultimate player. The senses? That's the five knowledge organs, five action organs, the inner senses, mind, and intellect. They all work together, can't function solo. Brahman is totally transcendent, unmanifest, but shows up through the senses. It's unattached, yet holds everything together. It's the ultimate support system. It's got no qualities, but still enjoys them all. It's a total enigma, a straight-up mystery.