
Verse 12.20

ये तु धर्म्यामृतमिदं यथोक्तं पर्युपासते।श्रद्दधाना मत्परमा भक्तास्तेऽतीव मे प्रियाः।।12.20।।

ye tu dharmyāmṛitam idaṁ yathoktaṁ paryupāsate śhraddadhānā mat-paramā bhaktās te ’tīva me priyāḥ


Yo, anyone who follows this immortal Dharma, is all about Krishna, and makes Krishna their main goal? They're like, totally Krishna's fave.


Okay, so Krishna is low-key dropping some major truth here about his ultimate faves. He's describing the *perfect* devotee. 'Amrita Dharma'? That's like, the ultimate life hack, the righteous path that leads to immortality. Real devotees? They're all about Krishna, he's their whole vibe. It's all connected, you know? The wise person, the yogi, the devotee—same basic goals. It's all about following that immortal Dharma, that's how you become Krishna's bestie. So, if you wanna reach the highest level, you gotta follow that path with total dedication and faith. This whole Bhagavad Gita thing, this convo between Krishna and Arjuna, it's all about that devotion yoga, that's the tea.