
Verse 12.14

सन्तुष्टः सततं योगी यतात्मा दृढनिश्चयः।मय्यर्पितमनोबुद्धिर्यो मद्भक्तः स मे प्रियः।।12.14।।

santuṣhṭaḥ satataṁ yogī yatātmā dṛiḍha-niśhchayaḥ mayy arpita-mano-buddhir yo mad-bhaktaḥ sa me priyaḥ


Always chill, always meditating, always self-controlled, always believing, with their mind and intellect fully committed to Krishna—that devotee is Krishna's bestie.


Okay, so this dude is totally chill, always vibing in meditation, and has got his act together. He's 100% committed to Krishna, like, for real. He knows everything's karma, so he's never stressed about stuff. He's not chasing clout or material things; his focus is on the Supreme Being. It's like, he's got this unshakeable inner peace, totally unbothered by life's ups and downs. He's always content, like, overflowing with happiness, no matter what. Even if he's scraping by, he's good. He's not complaining or whining. His mind is always on Krishna through constant meditation. A true yogi is always balanced, has mastered their senses, and is fully dedicated to Krishna with unwavering determination. This person has self-realization, knows they're connected to the ultimate reality, and has completely surrendered their mind and intellect to Krishna. Krishna is, like, super into this devotee.